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Documented SafeIO

Marcos Dumay de Medeiros 8 years ago
1 changed files with 51 additions and 1 deletions
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+ 51 - 1

@@ -1,8 +1,51 @@
 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
 {- |
+==The problem:
+In Haskell it is usually simple to keep IOError bounded within a context,
+so that they can not interfere with the overall execution of a program. Since functional
+substitution is done in a hierarchical way, often a single try or catch statement is
+enough to treat all errors on an entire section of code.
+Interruptible monad transformers turn this realitty upside down. Since the entire point
+of this type class is separating the hierarchical code organization from the monadic
+contexts, it becomes usefull to keep the exceptions information at the monadic context,
+instead of the default of carrying it in the code hierarchy.
+That is, in the following example:
+    let ct1 = createContext 1
+        ct2 = createContext 2
+    ct1' <- resume startClient ct1
+    ct2' <- resume startClient ct2
+    resume finishClient ct1'
+    resume finishClient ct2'
+It may be desirable to let any IO exception on @startClient@ with the @ct1@ context
+influence only the execution of @finishClient@ with the @ct1'@ context, and not
+affect any execution with the other contexts.
+SafeIO was created to enforce this kind of behavior.
+==How to use:
+1. Do not import Control.Monad.Trans, Control.Monad.IO or anything similar at your module.
+2. Create an error type (let's call it @e@), and make it an instance of IOErrorDerivation.
+3. Wrap your computation inside an @EitherT e@ transformer.
+4. Use the safe functions on this module instead of lift, liftIO, liftBase, etc.
+Remember that the context of interruptible transformers are in the inverse order that the
+transformers appear on the stack, thus, at the end of execution if you want to retrieve
+the EitherT context, you'll have to peel all the other contexts from it first.
-module Control.Monad.Trans.SafeIO where
+module Control.Monad.Trans.SafeIO (
+  IOErrorDerivation(..),
+  safeIO,
+  safeCT
+  )where
 import System.IO.Error
 import Control.Monad.IO.Class
@@ -11,12 +54,19 @@ import Control.Monad.Trans.Either
 import Control.Monad.Trans.Control
 import qualified Control.Exception.Lifted as Lift
+{- |
+Class for types that keep IOError information. Instantiate this for an error type for
+using the safe functions from this module.
 class IOErrorDerivation e where
+  -- | Transforms an IOError on another error type
   coerceIOError :: IOError -> e
+-- | Safe alternative to liftIO
 safeIO :: (MonadIO m, IOErrorDerivation e) => IO a -> EitherT e m a
 safeIO io = (liftIO $ tryIOError io) >>= hoistResult
+-- | Safe alternative to lift for an stack that implements MonadBaseControl.
 safeCT :: (MonadBaseControl IO m, IOErrorDerivation e) => m a -> EitherT e m a
 safeCT f = (lift $ Lift.try f) >>= hoistResult