@@ -11,9 +11,7 @@ module Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8.Extras (
-- * Other parsing utilities
- failParser,
- parserList,
) where
@@ -33,7 +31,7 @@ utf8bs = BS.pack . UTF8.encode
-- | A version of attoparsec's isHorizontalSpace that takes a Char as argument.
isCHorizontalSpace :: Char -> Bool
-isCHorizontalSpace c = A.isHorizontalSpace . asW8 $ c
+isCHorizontalSpace = A.isHorizontalSpace . asW8
-- | Skips through the characters that satisfy attoparsec's isHorizontalSpace.
-- Never fails.
@@ -44,17 +42,13 @@ skipHorizontalSpace = A.skipWhile (A.isHorizontalSpace . asW8)
asW8 :: Char -> Word8
asW8 = fromIntegral . C.ord
--- | Makes a parser fail.
-failParser :: Parser a
-failParser = satisfy (\_ -> False) *> (return . error $ "Passed a parser that must always fail")
{- |
parserFold f x0
Acquires functions by parsing the data with f, and applies it to the result of the previous function,
until f fails.
-parserFold :: (Parser (a -> a)) -> a -> Parser a
+parserFold :: Parser (a -> a) -> a -> Parser a
parserFold f a = (
r <- f
@@ -62,53 +56,33 @@ parserFold f a = (
parserFold f a'
) <|> return a
-{- |
-parserList parsers x0
-Applies the parsers in order, taking as parameter the returned value of
-the previous parser, starting with x0.
-That is, for example:
-parserList [p0, p1, p2] x0
-Will do:
- x1 <- p0 x0
- x2 <- p1 x1
- x3 <- p2 x2
- return x3
-parserList :: [(b -> Parser b)] -> b -> Parser b
-parserList [] e0 = return e0
-parserList (f:ff) e0 = do
- e1 <- f e0
- parserList ff e1
{- |
Given a list of options, returns the first one that is show like the input.
Does not consume input on the case of failure.
parseShow :: Show a => [a] -> Parser a
-parseShow [] = failParser
-parseShow (s:ss) = ((string . utf8bs . show $ s) *> return s) <|> parseShow ss
+parseShow = foldr
+ (\ s -> (<|>) ((string . utf8bs . show $ s) *> return s))
+ (fail "Invalid string")
-- | Like parseShow, but case insensitive.
parseShowCI :: Show a => [a] -> Parser a
-parseShowCI [] = failParser
-parseShowCI (s:ss) = ((A.stringCI . utf8bs . show $ s) *> return s) <|> parseShowCI ss
+parseShowCI = foldr
+ (\ s -> (<|>) ((A.stringCI . utf8bs . show $ s) *> return s))
+ (fail "Invalid string")
{- |
Given a list of options and a printing function, returns the first option that is
printed like the input.
parsePrintable :: (a -> String) -> [a] -> Parser a
-parsePrintable _ [] = failParser
+parsePrintable _ [] = fail "Invalid string"
parsePrintable f (s:ss) = ((string . utf8bs . f $ s) *> return s) <|> parsePrintable f ss
-- | Like parsePrintable, but case insensitive
parsePrintableCI :: (a -> String) -> [a] -> Parser a
-parsePrintableCI _ [] = failParser
+parsePrintableCI _ [] = fail "Invalid string"
parsePrintableCI f (s:ss) = ((A.stringCI . utf8bs . f $ s) *> return s) <|> parsePrintableCI f ss
-- | Acts like parseShow, trying every possible value
@@ -127,8 +101,8 @@ parseEnumCI = let
decodeBase64 :: Parser ByteString
decodeBase64 = do
b64 <- A.takeWhile isBase64Char
- case B64.decode $ b64 of
- Left _ -> failParser
+ case B64.decode b64 of
+ Left _ -> fail "Invalid base64 character sequence"
Right v -> return v
isBase64Char :: Char -> Bool
@@ -154,13 +128,13 @@ quotedString e fp fq = A.scan [] quoteScanner
quoteScanner :: [QuoteScannerState] -> Char -> Maybe [QuoteScannerState]
quoteScanner [] c
- | elem c "'\"" = Just [Quote]
+ | c `elem` "'\"" = Just [Quote]
| c == e = Just [Escape]
- | elem c fp = Nothing
+ | c `elem` fp = Nothing
| otherwise = Just []
quoteScanner fs@(Quote:ss) c
- | elem c "'\"" = Just ss
+ | c `elem` "'\"" = Just ss
| c == e = Just (Escape:fs)
- | elem c fq = Nothing
+ | c `elem` fq = Nothing
| otherwise = Just fs
quoteScanner (Escape:ss) _ = Just ss