Streamline.hs 12 KB

  1. {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, TypeFamilies #-}
  2. {- |
  3. Streamline exports a monad that, given an uniform IO target, emulates
  4. character stream IO using high performance block IO.
  5. -}
  6. module System.IO.Uniform.Streamline (
  7. -- * Basic Type
  8. Streamline,
  9. -- * Running streamline targets
  10. -- ** Single pass runners
  11. withClient,
  12. withServer,
  13. withTarget,
  14. -- ** Interruptible support
  15. inStreamlineCtx,
  16. peelStreamlineCtx,
  17. closeTarget,
  18. -- * Sending and recieving data
  19. send,
  20. send',
  21. recieveLine,
  22. recieveLine',
  23. recieveN,
  24. recieveN',
  25. -- ** Running a parser
  26. runAttoparsec,
  27. runAttoparsecAndReturn,
  28. -- ** Scanning the input
  29. runScanner,
  30. runScanner',
  31. scan,
  32. scan',
  33. recieveTill,
  34. recieveTill',
  35. -- * Behavior settings
  36. startTls,
  37. isSecure,
  38. setTimeout,
  39. echoTo,
  40. setEcho
  41. ) where
  42. import System.IO (stdout, Handle)
  43. import qualified System.IO.Uniform as S
  44. import qualified System.IO.Uniform.Network as N
  45. import qualified System.IO.Uniform.Std as Std
  46. import System.IO.Uniform (UniformIO, SomeIO(..), TlsSettings)
  47. import System.IO.Uniform.Streamline.Scanner
  48. import Data.Default.Class
  49. import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
  50. import Control.Monad.Trans.Interruptible
  51. import Control.Monad.Trans.Control
  52. import Control.Monad (ap, liftM)
  53. import Control.Monad.IO.Class
  54. import System.IO.Error
  55. import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
  56. import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
  57. import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
  58. import Data.Word8 (Word8)
  59. import Data.IP (IP)
  60. import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString as A
  61. -- | Internal state for a Streamline monad
  62. data StreamlineState = StreamlineState {str :: SomeIO, timeout :: Int, buff :: ByteString, isEOF :: Bool, echo :: Maybe Handle}
  63. instance Default StreamlineState where
  64. -- | Will open StdIO
  65. def = StreamlineState (SomeIO Std.StdIO) defaultTimeout BS.empty False Nothing
  66. -- | Monad that emulates character stream IO over block IO.
  67. newtype Streamline m a = Streamline {withTarget' :: StreamlineState -> m (a, StreamlineState)}
  68. blockSize :: Int
  69. blockSize = 4096
  70. defaultTimeout :: Int
  71. defaultTimeout = 1000000 * 600
  72. readF :: MonadIO m => StreamlineState -> m ByteString
  73. readF cl = case echo cl of
  74. Just h -> do
  75. l <- liftIO $ S.uRead (str cl) blockSize
  76. liftIO $ BS.hPutStr h "<"
  77. liftIO $ BS.hPutStr h l
  78. return l
  79. Nothing -> liftIO $ S.uRead (str cl) blockSize
  80. writeF :: MonadIO m => StreamlineState -> ByteString -> m ()
  81. writeF cl l = case echo cl of
  82. Just h -> do
  83. liftIO $ BS.hPutStr h ">"
  84. liftIO $ BS.hPutStr h l
  85. liftIO $ S.uPut (str cl) l
  86. Nothing -> liftIO $ S.uPut (str cl) l
  87. -- | > withServer f serverIP port
  88. --
  89. -- Connects to the given server port, runs f, and closes the connection.
  90. withServer :: MonadIO m => IP -> Int -> Streamline m a -> m a
  91. withServer host port f = do
  92. ds <- liftIO $ N.connectTo host port
  93. (ret, _) <- withTarget' f def{str=SomeIO ds}
  94. liftIO $ S.uClose ds
  95. return ret
  96. -- | > withClient f boundPort
  97. --
  98. -- Accepts a connection at the bound port, runs f and closes the connection.
  99. withClient :: MonadIO m => N.BoundedPort -> (IP -> Int -> Streamline m a) -> m a
  100. withClient port f = do
  101. ds <- liftIO $ N.accept port
  102. (peerIp, peerPort) <- liftIO $ N.getPeer ds
  103. (ret, _) <- withTarget' (f peerIp peerPort) def{str=SomeIO ds}
  104. liftIO $ S.uClose ds
  105. return ret
  106. {- |
  107. > withTarget f someIO
  108. Runs f wrapped on a Streamline monad that does IO on someIO.
  109. -}
  110. withTarget :: (Monad m, UniformIO a) => a -> Streamline m b -> m b
  111. withTarget s f = do
  112. (r, _) <- withTarget' f def{str=SomeIO s}
  113. return r
  114. instance Monad m => Monad (Streamline m) where
  115. --return :: (Monad m) => a -> Streamline m a
  116. return x = Streamline $ \cl -> return (x, cl)
  117. --(>>=) :: Monad m => Streamline m a -> (a -> Streamline m b) -> Streamline m b
  118. a >>= b = Streamline $ \cl -> do
  119. (x, cl') <- withTarget' a cl
  120. withTarget' (b x) cl'
  121. instance Monad m => Functor (Streamline m) where
  122. --fmap :: (a -> b) -> Streamline m a -> Streamline m b
  123. fmap f m = Streamline $ \cl -> do
  124. (x, cl') <- withTarget' m cl
  125. return (f x, cl')
  126. instance (Functor m, Monad m) => Applicative (Streamline m) where
  127. pure = return
  128. (<*>) = ap
  129. instance MonadTrans Streamline where
  130. --lift :: Monad m => m a -> Streamline m a
  131. lift x = Streamline $ \cl -> do
  132. a <- x
  133. return (a, cl)
  134. instance MonadIO m => MonadIO (Streamline m) where
  135. liftIO = lift . liftIO
  136. -- | Sends data over the IO target.
  137. send :: MonadIO m => ByteString -> Streamline m ()
  138. send r = Streamline $ \cl -> do
  139. writeF cl r
  140. return ((), cl)
  141. -- | Sends data from a lazy byte string
  142. send' :: MonadIO m => LBS.ByteString -> Streamline m ()
  143. send' r = Streamline $ \cl -> do
  144. let dd = LBS.toChunks r
  145. mapM_ (writeF cl) dd
  146. return ((), cl)
  147. {- |
  148. Very much like Attoparsec's runScanner:
  149. > runScanner scanner initial_state
  150. Recieves data, running the scanner on each byte,
  151. using the scanner result as initial state for the
  152. next byte, and stopping when the scanner returns
  153. Nothing.
  154. Returns the scanned ByteString.
  155. -}
  156. runScanner :: MonadIO m => s -> IOScanner s -> Streamline m (ByteString, s)
  157. runScanner state scanner = do
  158. (rt, st) <- runScanner' state scanner
  159. return (LBS.toStrict rt, st)
  160. -- | Equivalent to runScanner, but returns a strict, completely
  161. -- evaluated ByteString.
  162. runScanner' :: MonadIO m => s -> IOScanner s -> Streamline m (LBS.ByteString, s)
  163. runScanner' state scanner = Streamline $ \d ->
  164. do
  165. (tx, st, d') <- in_scan d state
  166. return ((LBS.fromChunks tx, st), d')
  167. where
  168. --in_scan :: StreamlineState -> s -> m ([ByteString], s, StreamlineState)
  169. in_scan d st
  170. | isEOF d = eofError "System.IO.Uniform.Streamline.scan'"
  171. | BS.null (buff d) = do
  172. dt <- readF d
  173. if BS.null dt
  174. then return ([], st, d{isEOF=True})
  175. else in_scan d{buff=dt} st
  176. | otherwise = case sscan scanner st 0 (BS.unpack . buff $ d) of
  177. AllInput st' -> do
  178. (tx', st'', d') <- in_scan d{buff=""} st'
  179. return (buff d:tx', st'', d')
  180. SplitAt n st' -> let
  181. (r, i) = BS.splitAt n (buff d)
  182. in return ([r], st', d{buff=i})
  183. -- I'll avoid rebuilding a list on high level code. The ByteString functions are way better.
  184. sscan :: (s -> Word8 -> IOScannerState s) -> s -> Int -> [Word8] -> ScanResult s
  185. sscan _ s0 _ [] = AllInput s0
  186. sscan s s0 i (w:ww) = case s s0 w of
  187. Finished -> SplitAt i s0
  188. LastPass s1 -> SplitAt (i+1) s1
  189. Running s1 -> sscan s s1 (i+1) ww
  190. data ScanResult s = SplitAt Int s | AllInput s
  191. -- | Equivalent to runScanner, but discards the final state
  192. scan :: MonadIO m => s -> IOScanner s -> Streamline m ByteString
  193. scan state scanner = fst <$> runScanner state scanner
  194. -- | Equivalent to runScanner', but discards the final state
  195. scan' :: MonadIO m => s -> IOScanner s -> Streamline m LBS.ByteString
  196. scan' state scanner = fst <$> runScanner' state scanner
  197. -- | Recieves data untill the next end of line (\n or \r\n)
  198. recieveLine :: MonadIO m => Streamline m ByteString
  199. recieveLine = recieveTill "\n"
  200. -- | Lazy version of recieveLine
  201. recieveLine' :: MonadIO m => Streamline m LBS.ByteString
  202. recieveLine' = recieveTill' "\n"
  203. -- | Recieves the given number of bytes.
  204. recieveN :: MonadIO m => Int -> Streamline m ByteString
  205. recieveN n = LBS.toStrict <$> recieveN' n
  206. -- | Lazy version of recieveN
  207. recieveN' :: MonadIO m => Int -> Streamline m LBS.ByteString
  208. recieveN' n | n <= 0 = return ""
  209. | otherwise = Streamline $ \cl ->
  210. do
  211. (tt, cl') <- recieve cl n
  212. return (LBS.fromChunks tt, cl')
  213. where
  214. recieve d b
  215. | isEOF d = eofError "System.IO.Uniform.Streamline.recieveN"
  216. | BS.null . buff $ d = do
  217. dt <- readF d
  218. recieve d{buff=dt}{isEOF=BS.null dt} b
  219. | b <= (BS.length . buff $ d) = let
  220. (r, dt) = BS.splitAt b $ buff d
  221. in return ([r], d{buff=dt})
  222. | otherwise = do
  223. (r, d') <- recieve d{buff=""} $ b - (BS.length . buff $ d)
  224. return (buff d : r, d')
  225. -- | Recieves data until it matches the argument.
  226. -- Returns all of it, including the matching data.
  227. recieveTill :: MonadIO m => ByteString -> Streamline m ByteString
  228. recieveTill t = LBS.toStrict <$> recieveTill' t
  229. -- | Lazy version of recieveTill
  230. recieveTill' :: MonadIO m => ByteString -> Streamline m LBS.ByteString
  231. recieveTill' = recieve . BS.unpack
  232. where
  233. recieve t' = scan' [] (textScanner t')
  234. -- | Wraps the streamlined IO target on TLS, streamlining
  235. -- the new wrapper afterwads.
  236. startTls :: MonadIO m => TlsSettings -> Streamline m ()
  237. startTls st = Streamline $ \cl -> do
  238. ds' <- liftIO $ S.startTls st $ str cl
  239. return ((), cl{str=SomeIO ds'}{buff=""})
  240. -- | Runs an Attoparsec parser over the data read from the
  241. -- streamlined IO target. Returns both the parser
  242. -- result and the string consumed by it.
  243. runAttoparsecAndReturn :: MonadIO m => A.Parser a -> Streamline m (ByteString, Either String a)
  244. runAttoparsecAndReturn p = Streamline $ \cl ->
  245. if isEOF cl
  246. then eofError "System.IO.Uniform.Streamline.runAttoparsecAndReturn"
  247. else do
  248. let c = A.parse p $ buff cl
  249. (cl', i, a) <- liftIO $ continueResult cl c
  250. return ((i, a), cl')
  251. where
  252. continueResult :: StreamlineState -> A.Result a -> IO (StreamlineState, ByteString, Either String a)
  253. -- tx eof ds
  254. continueResult cl c = case c of
  255. A.Fail i _ msg -> return (cl{buff=i}, BS.take (BS.length (buff cl) - BS.length i) (buff cl), Left msg)
  256. A.Done i r -> return (cl{buff=i}, BS.take (BS.length (buff cl) - BS.length i) (buff cl), Right r)
  257. A.Partial c' -> do
  258. d <- readF cl
  259. let cl' = cl{buff=BS.append (buff cl) d}{isEOF=BS.null d}
  260. continueResult cl' (c' d)
  261. -- | Runs an Attoparsec parser over the data read from the
  262. -- streamlined IO target. Returning the parser result.
  263. runAttoparsec :: MonadIO m => A.Parser a -> Streamline m (Either String a)
  264. runAttoparsec p = Streamline $ \cl ->
  265. if isEOF cl
  266. then eofError "System.IO.Uniform.Streamline.runAttoparsec"
  267. else do
  268. let c = A.parse p $ buff cl
  269. (cl', a) <- liftIO $ continueResult cl c
  270. return (a, cl')
  271. where
  272. continueResult :: StreamlineState -> A.Result a -> IO (StreamlineState, Either String a)
  273. continueResult cl c = case c of
  274. A.Fail i _ msg -> return (cl{buff=i}, Left msg)
  275. A.Done i r -> return (cl{buff=i}, Right r)
  276. A.Partial c' -> do
  277. d <- readF cl
  278. let eof' = BS.null d
  279. continueResult cl{buff=d}{isEOF=eof'} (c' d)
  280. -- | Indicates whether transport layer security is being used.
  281. isSecure :: Monad m => Streamline m Bool
  282. isSecure = Streamline $ \cl -> return (S.isSecure $ str cl, cl)
  283. -- | Sets the timeout for the streamlined IO target.
  284. setTimeout :: Monad m => Int -> Streamline m ()
  285. setTimeout t = Streamline $ \cl -> return ((), cl{timeout=t})
  286. -- | Sets echo of the streamlines IO target.
  287. -- If echo is set, all the data read an written to the target
  288. -- will be echoed in stdout, with ">" and "<" markers indicating
  289. -- what is read and written.
  290. setEcho :: Monad m => Bool -> Streamline m ()
  291. setEcho e = Streamline $ \cl ->
  292. if e then return ((), cl{echo=Just stdout}) else return ((), cl{echo=Nothing})
  293. {- |
  294. Sets echo of the streamlined IO target.
  295. If echo is set, all the data read an written to the target
  296. will be echoed to the handle, with ">" and "<" markers indicating
  297. what is read and written.
  298. Setting to Nothing will disable echo.
  299. -}
  300. echoTo :: Monad m => Maybe Handle -> Streamline m ()
  301. echoTo h = Streamline $ \cl -> return ((), cl{echo=h})
  302. eofError :: MonadIO m => String -> m a
  303. eofError msg = liftIO . ioError $ mkIOError eofErrorType msg Nothing Nothing
  304. instance Interruptible Streamline where
  305. type RSt Streamline a = (a, StreamlineState)
  306. resume f (a, st) = withTarget' (f a) st
  307. -- | Creates a Streamline interrutible context
  308. inStreamlineCtx :: UniformIO io => io -> a -> RSt Streamline a
  309. inStreamlineCtx io a = (a, def{str = SomeIO io})
  310. -- | Closes the target of a streamline state, releasing any resource.
  311. closeTarget :: MonadIO m => Streamline m ()
  312. closeTarget = Streamline $ \st -> do
  313. liftIO . S.uClose . str $ st
  314. return ((), st)
  315. -- | Removes a Streamline interruptible context
  316. peelStreamlineCtx :: RSt Streamline a -> (a, SomeIO)
  317. peelStreamlineCtx (a, dt) = (a, str dt)
  318. instance MonadTransControl Streamline where
  319. type StT Streamline a = (a, StreamlineState)
  320. liftWith f = Streamline $ \s ->
  321. liftM (\x -> (x, s))
  322. (f $ \t -> withTarget' t s)
  323. restoreT = Streamline . const