@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ module Walrus.Backend.Metadata where
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime)
-import SMTP.Address
-import SMTP.Account
-import qualified SMTP.Mime as Mime
-import SMTP.Response
+import Data.SMTP.Address
+import Data.SMTP.Account
+import qualified Data.SMTP.Mime as Mime
+import Data.SMTP.Response
import Text.StringConvert
import Data.Time.ISO8601
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ data BackendAction =
-- | Verify if a backend will handle the rcpt to addresses
- -- | Verifies if accounts exist as in the SMTP VRFY command
+ -- | Verifies if accounts exist as in the Data.SMTP.VRFY command
-- | Fetch a resource
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ instance Default MaybeMetadata where
-- | Creates an empty metadata with just the client identity
metadataForClient :: IP -> Int -> MaybeMetadata
metadataForClient c p = def & mclientId .~ Just (ClientIdentity c p)
--- | Blanks the data as necessary for the RSET SMTP command
+-- | Blanks the data as necessary for the RSET Data.SMTP.command
resetMetadata :: MaybeMetadata -> MaybeMetadata
resetMetadata d = def & mclientId .~ d^.mclientId & mclientName .~ d^.mclientName
@@ -226,9 +226,9 @@ renderMetadata m = BS.concat $ serializeDt ++ serializeMain ++ ["\r\n"]
failStr = List.concatMap (\(a, r) -> ["Failed: ", renderMetadataAddress a, "; ", renderLineResponse r, "\r\n"]) rfail
h = [
"Client-Name: ", s cnm, "\r\n",
- "Return-Path: ", s . normalAccountName $ rfm, "\r\n",
+ "Return-Path: ", s . normalize $ rfm, "\r\n",
"Body-Encoding: ", show enc, "\r\n",
- "SMTP-UTF8: ", serialBool utf, "\r\n"
+ "Data.SMTP.UTF8: ", serialBool utf, "\r\n"
] :: [String]
in map s h ++ toStr ++ failStr
serializeHandle (HandleAddress a) = ["To: ", renderMetadataAddress a, "\r\n"]
@@ -236,14 +236,14 @@ renderMetadata m = BS.concat $ serializeDt ++ serializeMain ++ ["\r\n"]
serializeHandle HandleOk = []
serializeFetchResc (FetchRescData cnm rfm ofst sz hnd) =
["Client-Name: ", s cnm, "\r\n",
- "Return-Path: ", s . normalAccountName $ rfm, "\r\n",
+ "Return-Path: ", s . normalize $ rfm, "\r\n",
"Headers: No\r\n",
"Offset: ", s . show $ ofst, "\r\n",
"Block-Size: ", s . show $ sz, "\r\n"] ++
serializeHandle hnd
serializeFetchHdr (FetchHdrData cnm rfm r q hnd) =
["Client-Name: ", s cnm, "\r\n",
- "Return-Path: ", s . normalAccountName $ rfm, "\r\n",
+ "Return-Path: ", s . normalize $ rfm, "\r\n",
"Headers: Yes\r\n",
"Recursive: ", serialBool r, "\r\n",
"Query: ", serializeFtchQuery q, "\r\n"] ++
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ parseMetadata = do
enc <- hdr "Body-Encoding" Mime.parseBodyEncoding
return $ \(m, ip, p) -> (set mbodyEnc enc m, ip, p),
- utf <- hdr "SMTP-UTF8" parseMetadataBool
+ utf <- hdr "Data.SMTP.UTF8" parseMetadataBool
return $ \(m, ip, p) -> (set msmtpUtf8 utf m, ip, p),
usr <- hdr "Auth-User" A.takeByteString